Very good, but didn't raise the bar
When I first watched this I was thrilled to finally see the new Madness out. however after watching it again I'm a little disappointed, if only because I think Madness 8 raised the bar so high for the series in terms of animation, angles, and effects.
Madness 9 started off very well with the car fight scene, but as the movie progressed it fell back into the regular Madness routine. This is what makes the series of course, but I don't feel that the combat is at the same level as 6 or 8.
On the other hand, the mutant claw thing seems kind of just random and just thrown in there. The two characters are a nice addition to the series, but I personally know nothing about them, and it would have been nice if a little info had been given in the movie. Now one of them is dead. The music is cool, but it's not as epic as 6, 7, or 8. It's just kind of there in the background, and the animation doesn't play off of it like it does in other installments.
With all that said this is still an geat video, and I'm looking forward to 10.